Posted by Negus Amlak on October 22, 2008 at 9:46pm in THEOCRACY REIGN ORDER OF THE NYAHBINGHI
Bongo Watu
Nyahbinghi Guidelines from the Elders in Jamaica
The Nyahbinghi Order is the most ancient order of Rastafari, as from the earliest times, when cherubim and seraphim chanted songs of praise around the Rainbow Circle Throne of the Almighty Omnipotent Majesty Emperor HAILE SELASSIE I unto this present day, I n I brethren and sistren of JAH RASTAFARI Emperor HAILE SELASSIE I Theocracy Reign Order of the Nyahbinghi do uphold this Ivine Order and trust that this message of truth transcend all boundaries as waters cover the seas. With these aspirations I n I the Patriarchs of Nyahbinghi in Jamaica do see it necessary to document the following guidelines so that I n I brothers and sisters be aware of some of the commitments one has to abide by to be in the true covenant of Nyahbinghi. Righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach to all people.
The Nyahbinghi Creed is opened with the reciting of the following Psalms to which all must stand with due respect to H.I.M. Emperor Selassie I. Psalms 1, 121, 122, 133, and 24 (followed by):
Princes and Princesses must trod out of Egypt,
Ithiopians now stretch forth their hands to Haile Selassie I, JAH Rastafari
O' Haile Selassie I of Ithiopia, I an'I Ivine Majesty, Thy Irits come into I to dwell in the parts of righteousness. Lead I an'I, Help I an'I to forgive that I an'I must be forgiven. Teach I an'I love, loyalty on earth as it is in Zion Endow I an'I with thy wise mind, knowledge and overstanding to do Thy will,
Thy blessing to I an'I O JAH. Let the hungry be fed, the naked clothed, The sick nourished; the aged protected, and the infants cared for Deliver I an'I from the hands of I an' I enemies that I an'I must prove fruitful in these perilous days When Ian'I enemies are passed and decayed In the depths of the sea, in the depths of the earth or in the belly of a beast Give I an'I a place in thy Iverliving Kingdom
Through the Power of the Kings of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Elect of Himself and Light of This World, I an'I Ivine Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie I, JAH Rastafari
First I-ncient King of Iration JAH art the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning Without End, the First and Forever, The Protectorate of all human faith and the Ruler of the Iniverse
Thou art the only High Priest of the Order of Melchisedek, Who Liveth and Reigneth Foriver.
I an'I hail to our JAH and King Emperor Haile Selassie I, JAH Rastafari ! !! Almighty I, JAH Rastafari, Great and Thunderable I, JAH Tafari! !
Ethiopia the land of our father, The land where Rastafari love to be.
As the swift clouds are suddenly gathered, Thy children are gathered to thee.
With our Red Gold and Green floating over I,
With our Emperor to shield I from wrong. With I Jah and I future before I n I,
I n I hail and I shout and I chant.
Haile Selassie I is, I Negus, Negus high, Who keeps Ithiopia free,
To advance, to advance with truths and rights,
To advance, to advance with love and light.
With righteousness leading. I n I Hail to Rastafari I n I King
Imanity is pleading, One Jah for I n I.
0'Iternal Rastafari of all ages, Grant to I n I sons that lead,
Thy wise mind thou has given to the ages, When Ithiopia was so in need.
Thy voice through the dim pass has spoken, Ithiopia now stretch forth her hand,
By Jah shall all barriers be broken, And Mt. Zion bless our dear Father-land.
Ethiopians, the tyrants are falling, Who smote thee upon thy knee,
And thy children are heartically chanting, From over the distant sea.
Jah Rastafari, the great one has heard I n I, Jah has noted I sighs and I tears.
With the irits of love Jah has brought I n I, to be one through out the coming years.
The lyahbinghi flag is the ancient Ethiopian flag, which consists of Red at the bottom, Gold in the middle and on the uppermost, Green. The Gold in
the middle carries a Lion bearing the flag of Ithiopia. The Lion is the Imperial symbol of Ethiopia and represents I and I Ivine Majesty HAILE SELASSIE
I, the Lion of Judah. The flag should be held high at all times and should not be torn or abused. It must be present at all gatherings and homes and be borne whenever representing I&I Ivine Majesty Emperor HAILE SELASSIE I.
The Tabernacle consists of twelve outer posts which represent 1) the twelve patriarchs 2) the twelve gates of New Jerusalem 3) the twelve Tribes of Israel 4) the twelve Apostles. The centre post, the largest of all, represents I n I Ivine Majesty Emperor HAILE SELASSIE I who is the head of the
Nyahbinghi Order. Roof of the Tabernacle should take the shape of an umbrella. Portraits of H.I.M. decorate the Tabernacle. No weapons, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes or outrageous behaviour are allowed inside. It must be viewed by all as being assembled around the Throne of JAH RAS TAFARI HAILE SELASSIE I.
The altar which stands in the centre of the Tabernacle consists of six outer posts surrounding the centre post of the Tabernacle representing the book of the Seven Seals / Seven Golden Candlesticks. The priests administrate around this altar which is laid with an altar covering of Red, Gold and
Green. Herbs, Prophecy, Portraits of H.I.M. and fruits are placed upon the altar. The Nyahbinghi daughters are not permitted to administrate around this altar. The inner section of the altar should not be used for a sleeping room and can be used for a library or, storing things pertaining to the
The Nyahbinghi Man must abide by the laws of His Imperial Majesty. He should abide with one Queen as a perfect example set by His Imperial Majesty HAILE SELASSIE I. The use of flesh, drugs, alcohol and all harmful articles of food must be forbidden by all. The Nyahbinghi Man is nonviolent,
non-abusive and non-partisan. He must be free from all criminal activities as a true son of JAH RAS TAFARI. Whoredom, adultery, fornication and all sinful acts are an abomination to the Most High. It is the duty -of every Nyahbinghi to see to it that love and harmony be maintained on every gathering. Intimate relations with whites is strictly' forbidden. A Nyahbinghi Man should not abide with a woman who is not of Rastafari livity. It is the duty of every Nyahbinghi Man to properly maintain his children and raise them in the order of righteousness. It is wrong for a Nyahbinghi Man to trim and comb his children, this is an abomination.
The Nyahbinghi daughters, like the sons must abide by JAH Ivine laws. As H.I.M. is the Head of the Nyahbinghi Order the Nyahbinghi Queen must recognize her King as her Head. During her monthly issue (a period of seven days) the Nyahbinghi Queen does not attend Issemble or congregate
among the brethren. She must be loyal to her King Head in all things concerning righteousness. She must abide within her home and not be a "busybody". If there is a misunderstanding between her and her King Man, the matter should be brought before the Priest or Council of Elders who will deal with the matter privately and constructively. A Nyahbinghi Queen is not permitted to play the drums at an Issemble but is permitted to use the Shaka or Timbrel. She is not permitted to administrate around the altar or to prophecy before the congregation. During reasoning she can make suggestions and participate in governmental administration as in the taking of minutes, writing of letters or any other works she is capable of doing, as seen by the brethren. She must be attired in modest apparel at all times and must not wear pants or explosive garments. Her head must be covered during an Issemble or when congregating with brethren or outside her gates. During Issemble the daughters are responsible for the teaching of the children with special emphasis on H.I.M. HAILE SELASSIE I, the Amharic language, Black History and other aspects of Rastafari Ivine livity.
When the Nyahbinghi Queen brings forth a Prince, she should stay away from Issemble for a period of 3 months. When she brings forth a Princess, she should stay away for a period of 4 months. Eating of abominable flesh must be strictly forbidden by all. The wearing of jewellery is not forbidden but
the piercing of the flesh (e.g. ears, nose, etc.) is against the will of JAH. The plaiting of locks is forbidden as it is written in the book of I Peter 3:3, whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of(e.g. braids, weaves, etc.) the hair.
A Priest of the Nyahbinghi Order is ordained by JAH RAS TAFARI. This is thus revealed by the individual's works and Ivine livity over a number of years. He must be a man of -Ivine livity with the prophecy as a guideline. The Priests administrate around the altar of the Tabernacle and leads the
congregation in prayer as well as-the sanctification of the new born sons and daughters of the lyahbinghi Order. The Nyahbinghi Priest can have his Queen as did Aaron, Zadok, etc., but must be one of Ivine qualities, abiding by JAR laws. The Nyahbinghi Priest must be one of justice who carries
out his works without partiality. He must maintain an 'Ital, Livity' making sure he does not defile the temple of the living JAR with abominable flesh. The signature of the Nyahbinghi Priest must be affixed to all official documents of the Order of the Nyahbinghi.
The Sanctification of Children
When a child is brought to the Issemble for Sanctification, the Priest or Elders of the House are notified and the hour chosen for such Sanctification.
The mother and father of the child will stand together with the child, while the priest reads from the holy Scipture, passages pertaining to the occasion. Namely: 1st Book of Samuel Chapter 1- Birth of Samuel Judges Chapter 15- Birth of Samson Psalms 127
As the parents of these children of the Bible vowed that they be dreadlocks from the womb, so do the parents of the child to be sanctified. After the reading of the Scriptures, the parents then give the child and his/her name to the Priest while the Elders of the House gather around the Holy Alter of the Tabernacle. At this time Nyahbinghi solemns chants.
1 "The Mothers of Salem"
2 "Little Children"
3 " Clap your Tiny Hands"
4 "JAH got the Whole World"
As these solemn chants continue, the priest makes known the name of the child to the congregation and he/she is passed from one elder to another who momentarily recites prayers unto the Most High JAH Rastafari Emperor Haile Selassie I, for the guidance and blessing of the child.
After all the elders prepared for the occasion, accomplish the prayers and benediction, then "Jah mothers and fathers" would identify themselves at the request of the priest.
When there is more than one child to be sanctified, the sons are done followed by the daughters. Here then another child is offered up unto the Most High and all the congregation ask for his/her guidance and blessing henceforth and for Ivermore.
After a period of three months the Nyahbinghi son is able to attend his first issemble to be offered up to the Most High JAH Rastafari. The Nyahbinghi daughter is brought in during or after the first four months of infancy.
Both mother and the child should attend the issemble, as at this time, parents vow to grow their children in the Order of JAH Rastafari.
The Nyahbinghi Priests as well as the congregation offer prayers and chants for the eternal guidance of the children and at this time. "Jah mother and father" are chosen to help along with the upbringing of the children.
If, after the sanctification of such children, parents should cut their locks then they would have broken the Oath of Sanctification and shall answer to the Most High.
Rastafari sons and daughters must not grow their children as non-Rastafarians as they will be held guilty of such wrong doing. If after 18 years or when the child leaves the family home, he/she departs from its covenant, then the judgment will not rest with the parents but upon his or her own shoulders.
The Fire Key is lighted with the reciting of seven Psalms: 1) Psalm 68; 2) Psalm 2; 3) Psalm 83; 4) Psalm 94; 5) Psalm 20; 6) Psalm 11; 7) Psalm 9. It is the duty of every brethren to prepare wood for this fire, which is consuming fire for all evildoers irrespective of race, colour or creed. No garbage,
waste or refuse should be thrown in the Nyahbinghi fire. The fire should bum unceasingly during the days of the Nyahbinghi grounding. The Fire must not be disturbed; no food should be cooked or roasted on this Fire at no time. Both sons and daughters can gather around this fire for warmth or to
pour out the judgment on mystery Babylon.
The Nyahbinghi drums are played only by capable Rastafari brethren during the hour of chanting. A 'bald head' or non-Rastafarian is not permitted to play the drums. Rings must be removed from the fingers of any such player of drums, namely the Fundeh and Repeater so as to protect the skins of
the drums. Players of instruments must be in one accord at all times ensuring perfect harmony. The three types of drums are: 1) Bass 2) Fundeh 3) Repeater. The Bass carries the two beat or heart beat 1, 2 in accord with the Fundeh that says 'Do Good' or 1, 2. The Repeater repeats the beats in
accordance with the Bass and Fundeh.
The Nyahbinghi ground consists of a Tabernacle, Lion quarters, lioness quarters, a store room, where food is provided for all at no cost, and sanitary
conveniences for both male and female. No flesh should be cooked or consumed on a Nyahbinghi ground. The use of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and sexual intercourse is strictly forbidden; self discipline must be maintained. Strangers are not permitted the use of cameras and/or recording equipment unless authorized by the House. All man must uncover their heads at a Nyahbinghi. All heads of females must be covered, and the wearing of pants and exposive garments are forbidden. Everyone must be properly attired. If a person is afflicted with any form of contagious disease or open wounds, he or she is not permitted to be among the congregation. Workshop for art and crafts, and school for the youths are vital structures
of the Nyahbinghi Centre.
The Nyahbinghi Order in Jamaica celebrates for 7 days and nights the following events:
1. 7 January Ethiopian Nativity of Christ
2. 2l April Visit of H.I.M. to Jamaica 1966
3. 25 May All African Liberation Day
4. 23 July Birth of HAILE SELASSIE I 1892
5. 11 September Ethiopian New Year
6. 2 November H.LM. Coronation 1930
These days are revered as hola days and are free from commercial activities. Other celebrations honoured by the House will take the form of public programme in Parks or Community Centres. These include February - Black History Month, May 5th - Ethiopian Liberation Day, August 17th - Birth of Marcus Garvey. The Nyahbinghi Order also participates in lectures on Rastafari in Colleges, Schools, Universities, Television and Radio programmes in its aim of spreading the message to the four corners of the earth. Participants in these Educational programmes are chosen by the House to ensure that the right information is disseminated.
The Nyahbinghi House (Jamaica) meets every 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month for general reasoning. At these meetings various topics are discussed and decisions taken. The meetings are opened with Hola Chants, Prayers followed by an opening remark by an Ilect of the Priesthood. This is followed by an update by the Ilect of Records on past reasonings after which matters arising from old and new issues are discussed. Representativeof the Priesthood, Ilects of Records and Treasury must be present at these reasonings, and if there is a need for intensive planning and work to be done, then these meetings are held every Sunday. Contributions towards the House Treasury are received at these meetings and the House reserves the right to dismiss or disallow any individual from attending these meetings. Discipline, tolerance and Iverstanding must prevail at all times to ensure perfect harmony. Everyone has the right to make suggestions and have their opinions heard at these reasonings which are open to all sons and daughters of Rastafari but one voice must be heard at all times. As words without works is in vain, the fruit of all reasoning must be progressive works
Bongo Watu

Nyahbinghi Guidelines from the Elders in Jamaica
The Nyahbinghi Order is the most ancient order of Rastafari, as from the earliest times, when cherubim and seraphim chanted songs of praise around the Rainbow Circle Throne of the Almighty Omnipotent Majesty Emperor HAILE SELASSIE I unto this present day, I n I brethren and sistren of JAH RASTAFARI Emperor HAILE SELASSIE I Theocracy Reign Order of the Nyahbinghi do uphold this Ivine Order and trust that this message of truth transcend all boundaries as waters cover the seas. With these aspirations I n I the Patriarchs of Nyahbinghi in Jamaica do see it necessary to document the following guidelines so that I n I brothers and sisters be aware of some of the commitments one has to abide by to be in the true covenant of Nyahbinghi. Righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach to all people.
The Nyahbinghi Creed is opened with the reciting of the following Psalms to which all must stand with due respect to H.I.M. Emperor Selassie I. Psalms 1, 121, 122, 133, and 24 (followed by):
Princes and Princesses must trod out of Egypt,
Ithiopians now stretch forth their hands to Haile Selassie I, JAH Rastafari
O' Haile Selassie I of Ithiopia, I an'I Ivine Majesty, Thy Irits come into I to dwell in the parts of righteousness. Lead I an'I, Help I an'I to forgive that I an'I must be forgiven. Teach I an'I love, loyalty on earth as it is in Zion Endow I an'I with thy wise mind, knowledge and overstanding to do Thy will,
Thy blessing to I an'I O JAH. Let the hungry be fed, the naked clothed, The sick nourished; the aged protected, and the infants cared for Deliver I an'I from the hands of I an' I enemies that I an'I must prove fruitful in these perilous days When Ian'I enemies are passed and decayed In the depths of the sea, in the depths of the earth or in the belly of a beast Give I an'I a place in thy Iverliving Kingdom
Through the Power of the Kings of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Elect of Himself and Light of This World, I an'I Ivine Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie I, JAH Rastafari
First I-ncient King of Iration JAH art the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning Without End, the First and Forever, The Protectorate of all human faith and the Ruler of the Iniverse
Thou art the only High Priest of the Order of Melchisedek, Who Liveth and Reigneth Foriver.
I an'I hail to our JAH and King Emperor Haile Selassie I, JAH Rastafari ! !! Almighty I, JAH Rastafari, Great and Thunderable I, JAH Tafari! !
Ethiopia the land of our father, The land where Rastafari love to be.
As the swift clouds are suddenly gathered, Thy children are gathered to thee.
With our Red Gold and Green floating over I,
With our Emperor to shield I from wrong. With I Jah and I future before I n I,
I n I hail and I shout and I chant.
Haile Selassie I is, I Negus, Negus high, Who keeps Ithiopia free,
To advance, to advance with truths and rights,
To advance, to advance with love and light.
With righteousness leading. I n I Hail to Rastafari I n I King
Imanity is pleading, One Jah for I n I.
0'Iternal Rastafari of all ages, Grant to I n I sons that lead,
Thy wise mind thou has given to the ages, When Ithiopia was so in need.
Thy voice through the dim pass has spoken, Ithiopia now stretch forth her hand,
By Jah shall all barriers be broken, And Mt. Zion bless our dear Father-land.
Ethiopians, the tyrants are falling, Who smote thee upon thy knee,
And thy children are heartically chanting, From over the distant sea.
Jah Rastafari, the great one has heard I n I, Jah has noted I sighs and I tears.
With the irits of love Jah has brought I n I, to be one through out the coming years.
The lyahbinghi flag is the ancient Ethiopian flag, which consists of Red at the bottom, Gold in the middle and on the uppermost, Green. The Gold in
the middle carries a Lion bearing the flag of Ithiopia. The Lion is the Imperial symbol of Ethiopia and represents I and I Ivine Majesty HAILE SELASSIE
I, the Lion of Judah. The flag should be held high at all times and should not be torn or abused. It must be present at all gatherings and homes and be borne whenever representing I&I Ivine Majesty Emperor HAILE SELASSIE I.
The Tabernacle consists of twelve outer posts which represent 1) the twelve patriarchs 2) the twelve gates of New Jerusalem 3) the twelve Tribes of Israel 4) the twelve Apostles. The centre post, the largest of all, represents I n I Ivine Majesty Emperor HAILE SELASSIE I who is the head of the
Nyahbinghi Order. Roof of the Tabernacle should take the shape of an umbrella. Portraits of H.I.M. decorate the Tabernacle. No weapons, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes or outrageous behaviour are allowed inside. It must be viewed by all as being assembled around the Throne of JAH RAS TAFARI HAILE SELASSIE I.
The altar which stands in the centre of the Tabernacle consists of six outer posts surrounding the centre post of the Tabernacle representing the book of the Seven Seals / Seven Golden Candlesticks. The priests administrate around this altar which is laid with an altar covering of Red, Gold and
Green. Herbs, Prophecy, Portraits of H.I.M. and fruits are placed upon the altar. The Nyahbinghi daughters are not permitted to administrate around this altar. The inner section of the altar should not be used for a sleeping room and can be used for a library or, storing things pertaining to the
The Nyahbinghi Man must abide by the laws of His Imperial Majesty. He should abide with one Queen as a perfect example set by His Imperial Majesty HAILE SELASSIE I. The use of flesh, drugs, alcohol and all harmful articles of food must be forbidden by all. The Nyahbinghi Man is nonviolent,
non-abusive and non-partisan. He must be free from all criminal activities as a true son of JAH RAS TAFARI. Whoredom, adultery, fornication and all sinful acts are an abomination to the Most High. It is the duty -of every Nyahbinghi to see to it that love and harmony be maintained on every gathering. Intimate relations with whites is strictly' forbidden. A Nyahbinghi Man should not abide with a woman who is not of Rastafari livity. It is the duty of every Nyahbinghi Man to properly maintain his children and raise them in the order of righteousness. It is wrong for a Nyahbinghi Man to trim and comb his children, this is an abomination.
The Nyahbinghi daughters, like the sons must abide by JAH Ivine laws. As H.I.M. is the Head of the Nyahbinghi Order the Nyahbinghi Queen must recognize her King as her Head. During her monthly issue (a period of seven days) the Nyahbinghi Queen does not attend Issemble or congregate
among the brethren. She must be loyal to her King Head in all things concerning righteousness. She must abide within her home and not be a "busybody". If there is a misunderstanding between her and her King Man, the matter should be brought before the Priest or Council of Elders who will deal with the matter privately and constructively. A Nyahbinghi Queen is not permitted to play the drums at an Issemble but is permitted to use the Shaka or Timbrel. She is not permitted to administrate around the altar or to prophecy before the congregation. During reasoning she can make suggestions and participate in governmental administration as in the taking of minutes, writing of letters or any other works she is capable of doing, as seen by the brethren. She must be attired in modest apparel at all times and must not wear pants or explosive garments. Her head must be covered during an Issemble or when congregating with brethren or outside her gates. During Issemble the daughters are responsible for the teaching of the children with special emphasis on H.I.M. HAILE SELASSIE I, the Amharic language, Black History and other aspects of Rastafari Ivine livity.
When the Nyahbinghi Queen brings forth a Prince, she should stay away from Issemble for a period of 3 months. When she brings forth a Princess, she should stay away for a period of 4 months. Eating of abominable flesh must be strictly forbidden by all. The wearing of jewellery is not forbidden but
the piercing of the flesh (e.g. ears, nose, etc.) is against the will of JAH. The plaiting of locks is forbidden as it is written in the book of I Peter 3:3, whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of(e.g. braids, weaves, etc.) the hair.
A Priest of the Nyahbinghi Order is ordained by JAH RAS TAFARI. This is thus revealed by the individual's works and Ivine livity over a number of years. He must be a man of -Ivine livity with the prophecy as a guideline. The Priests administrate around the altar of the Tabernacle and leads the
congregation in prayer as well as-the sanctification of the new born sons and daughters of the lyahbinghi Order. The Nyahbinghi Priest can have his Queen as did Aaron, Zadok, etc., but must be one of Ivine qualities, abiding by JAR laws. The Nyahbinghi Priest must be one of justice who carries
out his works without partiality. He must maintain an 'Ital, Livity' making sure he does not defile the temple of the living JAR with abominable flesh. The signature of the Nyahbinghi Priest must be affixed to all official documents of the Order of the Nyahbinghi.
The Sanctification of Children
When a child is brought to the Issemble for Sanctification, the Priest or Elders of the House are notified and the hour chosen for such Sanctification.
The mother and father of the child will stand together with the child, while the priest reads from the holy Scipture, passages pertaining to the occasion. Namely: 1st Book of Samuel Chapter 1- Birth of Samuel Judges Chapter 15- Birth of Samson Psalms 127
As the parents of these children of the Bible vowed that they be dreadlocks from the womb, so do the parents of the child to be sanctified. After the reading of the Scriptures, the parents then give the child and his/her name to the Priest while the Elders of the House gather around the Holy Alter of the Tabernacle. At this time Nyahbinghi solemns chants.
1 "The Mothers of Salem"
2 "Little Children"
3 " Clap your Tiny Hands"
4 "JAH got the Whole World"
As these solemn chants continue, the priest makes known the name of the child to the congregation and he/she is passed from one elder to another who momentarily recites prayers unto the Most High JAH Rastafari Emperor Haile Selassie I, for the guidance and blessing of the child.
After all the elders prepared for the occasion, accomplish the prayers and benediction, then "Jah mothers and fathers" would identify themselves at the request of the priest.
When there is more than one child to be sanctified, the sons are done followed by the daughters. Here then another child is offered up unto the Most High and all the congregation ask for his/her guidance and blessing henceforth and for Ivermore.
After a period of three months the Nyahbinghi son is able to attend his first issemble to be offered up to the Most High JAH Rastafari. The Nyahbinghi daughter is brought in during or after the first four months of infancy.
Both mother and the child should attend the issemble, as at this time, parents vow to grow their children in the Order of JAH Rastafari.
The Nyahbinghi Priests as well as the congregation offer prayers and chants for the eternal guidance of the children and at this time. "Jah mother and father" are chosen to help along with the upbringing of the children.
If, after the sanctification of such children, parents should cut their locks then they would have broken the Oath of Sanctification and shall answer to the Most High.
Rastafari sons and daughters must not grow their children as non-Rastafarians as they will be held guilty of such wrong doing. If after 18 years or when the child leaves the family home, he/she departs from its covenant, then the judgment will not rest with the parents but upon his or her own shoulders.
The Fire Key is lighted with the reciting of seven Psalms: 1) Psalm 68; 2) Psalm 2; 3) Psalm 83; 4) Psalm 94; 5) Psalm 20; 6) Psalm 11; 7) Psalm 9. It is the duty of every brethren to prepare wood for this fire, which is consuming fire for all evildoers irrespective of race, colour or creed. No garbage,
waste or refuse should be thrown in the Nyahbinghi fire. The fire should bum unceasingly during the days of the Nyahbinghi grounding. The Fire must not be disturbed; no food should be cooked or roasted on this Fire at no time. Both sons and daughters can gather around this fire for warmth or to
pour out the judgment on mystery Babylon.
The Nyahbinghi drums are played only by capable Rastafari brethren during the hour of chanting. A 'bald head' or non-Rastafarian is not permitted to play the drums. Rings must be removed from the fingers of any such player of drums, namely the Fundeh and Repeater so as to protect the skins of
the drums. Players of instruments must be in one accord at all times ensuring perfect harmony. The three types of drums are: 1) Bass 2) Fundeh 3) Repeater. The Bass carries the two beat or heart beat 1, 2 in accord with the Fundeh that says 'Do Good' or 1, 2. The Repeater repeats the beats in
accordance with the Bass and Fundeh.
The Nyahbinghi ground consists of a Tabernacle, Lion quarters, lioness quarters, a store room, where food is provided for all at no cost, and sanitary
conveniences for both male and female. No flesh should be cooked or consumed on a Nyahbinghi ground. The use of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and sexual intercourse is strictly forbidden; self discipline must be maintained. Strangers are not permitted the use of cameras and/or recording equipment unless authorized by the House. All man must uncover their heads at a Nyahbinghi. All heads of females must be covered, and the wearing of pants and exposive garments are forbidden. Everyone must be properly attired. If a person is afflicted with any form of contagious disease or open wounds, he or she is not permitted to be among the congregation. Workshop for art and crafts, and school for the youths are vital structures
of the Nyahbinghi Centre.
The Nyahbinghi Order in Jamaica celebrates for 7 days and nights the following events:
1. 7 January Ethiopian Nativity of Christ
2. 2l April Visit of H.I.M. to Jamaica 1966
3. 25 May All African Liberation Day
4. 23 July Birth of HAILE SELASSIE I 1892
5. 11 September Ethiopian New Year
6. 2 November H.LM. Coronation 1930
These days are revered as hola days and are free from commercial activities. Other celebrations honoured by the House will take the form of public programme in Parks or Community Centres. These include February - Black History Month, May 5th - Ethiopian Liberation Day, August 17th - Birth of Marcus Garvey. The Nyahbinghi Order also participates in lectures on Rastafari in Colleges, Schools, Universities, Television and Radio programmes in its aim of spreading the message to the four corners of the earth. Participants in these Educational programmes are chosen by the House to ensure that the right information is disseminated.
The Nyahbinghi House (Jamaica) meets every 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month for general reasoning. At these meetings various topics are discussed and decisions taken. The meetings are opened with Hola Chants, Prayers followed by an opening remark by an Ilect of the Priesthood. This is followed by an update by the Ilect of Records on past reasonings after which matters arising from old and new issues are discussed. Representativeof the Priesthood, Ilects of Records and Treasury must be present at these reasonings, and if there is a need for intensive planning and work to be done, then these meetings are held every Sunday. Contributions towards the House Treasury are received at these meetings and the House reserves the right to dismiss or disallow any individual from attending these meetings. Discipline, tolerance and Iverstanding must prevail at all times to ensure perfect harmony. Everyone has the right to make suggestions and have their opinions heard at these reasonings which are open to all sons and daughters of Rastafari but one voice must be heard at all times. As words without works is in vain, the fruit of all reasoning must be progressive works
greetings from the South Cape Town where the guidelines of the Order was turned to be an anthem. Give thanks for publishing them InI will be always greatful for the elders like Elderman Lester UK brougthfirst copy with Ras Jabulane Trevor Hall in 1993, Congo Wattu who taught InI da Nyahbinghi way and Bongo Thyme who this livity with InI More fire
Pray thee all these years and Ises Iyah
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