Hakim Bey demonstating on the prophets warining to the Nations
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
J Dilla's Donuts as Performed LIVE by Stray Phrases

New Jay Electronica
That was quick…
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Kushite Empire covered all of Africa, and some parts of Asia and Europe at one time or another.
In Egypt, Libyan princes had taken control of the delta under Shoshenq I in 945, founding the so-called Libyan or Bubastite dynasty that would rule for some 200 years. Sheshonq also gained control of southern Egypt by placing his family members in important priestly positions. However, Libyan control began to erode as a rival dynasty in the delta arose in Leontopolis, and Kushites threatened from the south. Around 727 BC the Kushite king Piye invaded northward, seizing control of Thebes and eventually the Delta.[1]. His dynasty, the Twenty-fifth dynasty of Egypt, continued until about 653 BC. The 25th dynasty was based at Napata in what is now The Sudan.
Alara is universally regarded as the founder of the 25th Kushite dynasty by his successors. The power of the 25th Dynasty reached a climax under the pharaohs Piye and Taharka. Starting from the reign of Taharqa onward, the kings of this dynasty were driven back into Nubia, at first by the Assyrians, then by the kings of the Twenty-Sixth Dynasty. Taharka's successor, the pharaoh Tantamani was defeated by Assyria in 664 BC. Thereafter, the Kushite Empire's power over Egypt declined and terminated in 656 BC when Psamtik I, founder of the 26th Saite Dynasty, reunited Egypt. In 591 BC the Egyptians under Psamtik II invaded Kush, possibly because Kush ruler Aspelta was preparing to invade Egypt, and effectively sacked and burned Napata. The Kushites then moved their capital city to Meroe, which was more defensible than Napata.
It is clear from various[which?] historical records that Aspelta's successors moved their capital to Meroë, considerably farther south than Napata. The exact date this change was made is uncertain but some historians believe it was during Aspelta's reign, in response to the Egyptian invasion of Lower Nubia. One reason for the move is that Napata was militarily strategic and lacked natural defenses. Napata was located at the narrowest crossing point on the Nile and was largely a temple and market city.
Other historians[which?] believe it was the attraction of iron working that drove the Kushites to move their capital south to Meroë, unlike Napata, there were large forests that could fire the blast furnaces. The arrival of Greek merchants throughout the region also meant that Kush was no longer dependent on trade along the Nile. Instead, it could export its goods to the Red Sea and the Greek trading colonies there.
No royal residence has been found north of Meroë and it is possible Napata had always been the religious centre of the Kushite empire, but was never fortified. However, Napata clearly remained an important center, with the kings and candaces being crowned and buried there for many centuries, even when they lived at Meroë.
In about 300 B.C. the move to Meroë was made more complete when the monarchs began to be buried there, instead of at Napata. One theory is that this represents the monarchs breaking away from the power of the priests at Napata. Diodorus Siculus tells a story about a Meroitic ruler named Ergamenes who was ordered by the priests to kill himself, but broke tradition and had the priests executed instead. Some historians[which?] think Ergamenes refers to Arrakkamani, the first ruler to be buried at Meroë. However, a more likely transliteration of Ergamenes is Arqamani, who ruled many years after the royal cemetery was opened at Meroë. Another theory is that the capital had always been based at Meroë.
Kushite civilisation continued for several centuries. In the Napatan Period Egyptian hieroglyphs were used: at this time writing seems to have been restricted to the court and temples.[2] From the second century BC there was a separate Meroitic writing system.[2] This was an alphabetic script with 23 signs used in a hieroglyphic form (mainly on monumental art) and in a cursive form.[2] The latter was widely used; so far some 1278 texts using this version are known (Leclant 2000). The script was deciphered by Griffith, but the language behind it is still a problem, with only a few words understood by modern scholars.[2] It is not as yet possible to connect the Meroitic language with other known languages.[2]
Strabo describes a war with the Romans in the first century B.C. After initial victories upon Candace Amanirenas attacked Roman Egypt, the Kushites were defeated and Napata sacked.[3] [4] They succeeded in negotiating a peace treaty on favourable terms.
In 70 AD, the ruler of the Kushite Empire was named Amanikhatashan. Kushite cavalry was aided the Romans in the capture of Jerusalem during the Great Jewish Revolt at this time.
The kingdom of Meroë began to fade as a power by the first or second century AD, sapped by the war with the Roman province of Egypt and the decline of its traditional industries.
The name given this civilization comes from the Old Testament where Cush (Hebrew: כוש) was one of the sons of Ham (Genesis 10:6) who settled in Northeast Africa. In the Bible and at different times in the ancient world, a large region covering northern Sudan, modern day southern Egypt, and parts of Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Somalia were known as "Cush". The Hebrew Bible refers to "Cush" on a number of occasions, though various English translations translate this as "Nubian", "Ethiopia", "Sudan", and "Cushite" (Unseth 1999). Moses wife, Tzipporah, is described as a Kushite in the book of Numbers 12:1. Some contend that this Cush was in southern Arabia. See Biblical Cush for a full discussion. All of this is complicated by the fact that the Septuagint translated "Cush" as "Aethiopia", leading to the misleading conclusion that "Cush" should be equated with the borders of present day "Ethiopia". Cain Hope Felder, in the introduction to his The Original African Heritage Study Bible has argued that "Cush" should always be translated as simply "Africa".
The Hindu Kush is a mountain range located between Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is the westernmost extension of the Pamir Mountains, the Karakoram Range, and is a sub-range of the Himalayas. It is also calculated to be the geographic center of population of the world. [1]
The name Hindu Kush is usually applied to the whole of the range separating the basins of the Kabul, and Helmand rivers from that of the Amu Darya (or ancient Oxus), or more specifically, to that part of the range to the northwest of Kabul.
[edit] Sanskrit
Sanskrit documents refer to the Hindu Kush as Pāriyatra Parvat .
[edit] Persian
In some of the Iranian languages that are still spoken in the region many peaks, mountains, and related places in the region have "Kosh" or "Kush" in their names. In the Persian language of the Sassanian period, Hindu referred to the inhabitants of the area around and beyond the Indus River, or Hind - the people who were followers of Hinduism. The name is also said to be a corruption of Hindu Koh, from the (modern) Persian word Kuh, meaning mountain. James Rennell, writing in 1793, referred to the range as the "Hindoo-Kho or Hindoo-Kush"[2].
"The same hindu- 'mountain' [in Scythian or Saka languages] is in the name Hindǚ-kuš, where the kuš means 'side, region' connected with Chr. Sogd. qwšy 'side' with -ti- Armenian Parthian k'oušt 'side, region.' [3]
[edit] Ibn Batuta on the term Hindu Kush
" 'Another reason for our halt was fear of the snow. For upon this road there is a mountain called Hindukush, which means 'the slayer of the Indians 'because the slave boys and girls who are brought from the land of India die there in large numbers as a result of the extreme cold and the great quantity of snow ".[4] "
[edit] Folk etymology
There are others who consider this origin to be false and put forward alternate possibilities for its origin, although these are usually considered to be folk etymology[citation needed]:
The origin of the term "Hindu Kush" is a point of contention. The folk etymological explanations range from 'killer of Hindu' to the 'throne of Hindu'.
that the name is a corruption of Caucasus Indicus, a name by which the Hindu Kush range was known in the ancient Western world after its conquest by Alexander the Great in the Fourth Century BC. Greek rule in the Hindu Kush region lasted over three centuries, and was followed by the rule of a dynasty known, significantly, as the Kushan. In its early period, the Kushan Empire had its capital near modern-day Kabul. Later, when the Hindu Kush region became part of the Sassanian Empire, it was ruled by a satrap known as the Kushan-shah (ruler of Kushan).[citation needed]
that the name refers to the last great 'killer' mountains to cross when moving between the Iranian plateau and the Indian subcontinent, named after the toll it took on anyone crossing them.
that the name is a posited Avestan appellation meaning "water mountains."[citation needed]
that the name is a corruption of Hind-o Kushan, containing the name of the Kushan dynasty that once ruled this region for more than three centuries.[citation needed]
[edit] Mountains
The Hindu Kush occupy the lower left centre of this satellite image.The mountains of the Hindu Kush system diminish in height as they stretch westward: toward the middle, near Kabul, they extend from 4,500 to 6,000 meters; in the west, they attain heights of 3,500 to 4,000 meters. The average altitude of the Hindu Kush is 4,500 meters. The Hindu Kush system stretches about 966 kilometres laterally, and its median north-south measurement is about 240 kilometres. Only about 600 kilometres of the Hindu Kush system is called the Hindu Kush mountains. The rest of the system consists of numerous smaller mountain ranges including the Koh-e Baba, Salang, Koh-e Paghman, Spin Ghar (also called the eastern Safid Koh), Suleiman Range, Siah Koh, Koh-e Khwaja Mohammad and Selseleh-e Band-e Turkestan. The western Safid Koh, the Malmand, Chalap Dalan, Siah Band and Doshakh are commonly referred to as the Paropamisus by western scholars, though that name has been slowly falling out of use over the last few decades.
Rivers that flow from the mountain system include the Helmand River, the Hari River and the Kabul River, watersheds for the Sistan Basin.
Numerous high passes ("kotal") transect the mountains, forming a strategically important network for the transit of caravans. The most important mountain pass is the Kotal-e Salang (3,878 m); it links Kabul and points south to northern Afghanistan. The completion of a tunnel within this pass in 1964 reduced travel time between Kabul and the north to a few hours. Previously access to the north through the Kotal-e Shibar (3,260 m) took three days. The Salang tunnel at 3,363 m and the extensive network of galleries on the approach roads were constructed with Soviet financial and technological assistance and involved drilling 1.7 miles through the heart of the Hindu Kush.
Before the Salang road was constructed, the most famous passes in the Western historical perceptions of Afghanistan were those leading to the Indian subcontinent. They include the Khyber Pass (1,027 m), in Pakistan, and the Kotal-e Lataband (2,499 m) east of Kabul, which was superseded in 1960 by a road constructed within the Kabul River's most spectacular gorge, the Tang-e Gharu. This remarkable engineering feat reduced travel time between Kabul and the Pakistan border from two days to a few hours.
The roads through the Salang and Tang-e Gharu passes played critical strategic roles during the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and were used extensively by heavy military vehicles. Consequently, these roads are in very bad repair. Many bombed out bridges have been repaired, but numbers of the larger structures remain broken. Periodic closures due to conflicts in the area seriously affect the economy and well-being of many regions, for these are major routes carrying commercial trade, emergency relief and reconstruction assistance supplies destined for all parts of the country.
There are a number of other important passes in Afghanistan. The Wakhjir (4,923 m), proceeds from the Wakhan Corridor into Xinjiang, China, and into Northern Areas of Pakistan. Passes which join Afghanistan to Chitral, Pakistan, include the Baroghil (3,798 m) and the Kachin (5,639 m), which also cross from the Wakhan. Important passes located farther west are the Shotorgardan (3,720 m), linking Logar and Paktiya provinces; the Bazarak (2,713 m), leading into Mazari Sharif; the Khawak Pass (4,370 m) in the Panjsher Valley, and the Anjuman (3,858 m) at the head of the Panjsher Valley giving entrance to the north. The Hajigak (2,713 m) and Unai (3,350 m) lead into the eastern Hazarajat and Bamyan Valley. The passes of the Paropamisus in the west are relatively low, averaging around 600 meters; the most well-known of these is the Sabzak between the Herat and Badghis provinces, which links the western and northwestern parts of Afghanistan.
These mountainous areas are mostly barren, or at the most sparsely sprinkled with trees and stunted bushes. Very ancient mines producing lapis lazuli are found in Kowkcheh Valley, while gem-grade emeralds are found north of Kabul in the valley of the Panjsher River and some of its tributaries. The famous 'balas rubies', or spinels, were mined until the 19th century in the valley of the Ab-e Panj or Upper Amu Darya River, considered to be the meeting place between the Hindu Kush and the Pamir ranges. These mines now appear to be exhausted.
[edit] Eastern Hindu Kush
The Eastern Hindu Kush range, also known as the High Hindu Kush range, is mostly located in northern Pakistan and the Nuristan and Badakhshan provinces of Afghanistan. The Chitral District of Pakistan is home to Tirich Mir, Noshaq, and Istoro Nal, the highest peaks in the Hindu Kush. The range also extends into Ghizar, Yasin Valley, and Ishkoman in Pakistan's Northern Areas.
Chitral is considered to be the pinnacle of the Hindu Kush region. The highest peaks, as well as countless passes and massive glaciers, are located in this region. The Chiantar, Kurambar, and Terich glaciers are amongst the most extensive in the Hindu Kush and the meltwater from these glaciers form the Kunar River, which eventually flows south into Afghanistan and joins the Bashgal, Panjsher, and eventually the much smaller Kabul River.
The jazz musician Katie Melua wrote a song called "Halfway Up the Hindu Kush", probably because in the 1960s and 70s Afghanistan was depicted in the media as the romantic haven of nomads and a resort for hashish-smoking hippies.
[edit] Military Presence
After historical military presence since the time of Alexander the Great, the recent Cold War caused the presence of Soviet and mujahideen fighters and then revolutionary Taliban. Currently Al Qaeda's presence made the U.S. forces to shift their operation in the Hindu Kush mountain ranges.
Friday, October 15, 2010
The Iyahbinghi gave birth to this trod, so humble and give thanks"
Bongo Watu

Nyahbinghi Guidelines from the Elders in Jamaica
The Nyahbinghi Order is the most ancient order of Rastafari, as from the earliest times, when cherubim and seraphim chanted songs of praise around the Rainbow Circle Throne of the Almighty Omnipotent Majesty Emperor HAILE SELASSIE I unto this present day, I n I brethren and sistren of JAH RASTAFARI Emperor HAILE SELASSIE I Theocracy Reign Order of the Nyahbinghi do uphold this Ivine Order and trust that this message of truth transcend all boundaries as waters cover the seas. With these aspirations I n I the Patriarchs of Nyahbinghi in Jamaica do see it necessary to document the following guidelines so that I n I brothers and sisters be aware of some of the commitments one has to abide by to be in the true covenant of Nyahbinghi. Righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach to all people.
The Nyahbinghi Creed is opened with the reciting of the following Psalms to which all must stand with due respect to H.I.M. Emperor Selassie I. Psalms 1, 121, 122, 133, and 24 (followed by):
Princes and Princesses must trod out of Egypt,
Ithiopians now stretch forth their hands to Haile Selassie I, JAH Rastafari
O' Haile Selassie I of Ithiopia, I an'I Ivine Majesty, Thy Irits come into I to dwell in the parts of righteousness. Lead I an'I, Help I an'I to forgive that I an'I must be forgiven. Teach I an'I love, loyalty on earth as it is in Zion Endow I an'I with thy wise mind, knowledge and overstanding to do Thy will,
Thy blessing to I an'I O JAH. Let the hungry be fed, the naked clothed, The sick nourished; the aged protected, and the infants cared for Deliver I an'I from the hands of I an' I enemies that I an'I must prove fruitful in these perilous days When Ian'I enemies are passed and decayed In the depths of the sea, in the depths of the earth or in the belly of a beast Give I an'I a place in thy Iverliving Kingdom
Through the Power of the Kings of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Elect of Himself and Light of This World, I an'I Ivine Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie I, JAH Rastafari
First I-ncient King of Iration JAH art the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning Without End, the First and Forever, The Protectorate of all human faith and the Ruler of the Iniverse
Thou art the only High Priest of the Order of Melchisedek, Who Liveth and Reigneth Foriver.
I an'I hail to our JAH and King Emperor Haile Selassie I, JAH Rastafari ! !! Almighty I, JAH Rastafari, Great and Thunderable I, JAH Tafari! !
Ethiopia the land of our father, The land where Rastafari love to be.
As the swift clouds are suddenly gathered, Thy children are gathered to thee.
With our Red Gold and Green floating over I,
With our Emperor to shield I from wrong. With I Jah and I future before I n I,
I n I hail and I shout and I chant.
Haile Selassie I is, I Negus, Negus high, Who keeps Ithiopia free,
To advance, to advance with truths and rights,
To advance, to advance with love and light.
With righteousness leading. I n I Hail to Rastafari I n I King
Imanity is pleading, One Jah for I n I.
0'Iternal Rastafari of all ages, Grant to I n I sons that lead,
Thy wise mind thou has given to the ages, When Ithiopia was so in need.
Thy voice through the dim pass has spoken, Ithiopia now stretch forth her hand,
By Jah shall all barriers be broken, And Mt. Zion bless our dear Father-land.
Ethiopians, the tyrants are falling, Who smote thee upon thy knee,
And thy children are heartically chanting, From over the distant sea.
Jah Rastafari, the great one has heard I n I, Jah has noted I sighs and I tears.
With the irits of love Jah has brought I n I, to be one through out the coming years.
The lyahbinghi flag is the ancient Ethiopian flag, which consists of Red at the bottom, Gold in the middle and on the uppermost, Green. The Gold in
the middle carries a Lion bearing the flag of Ithiopia. The Lion is the Imperial symbol of Ethiopia and represents I and I Ivine Majesty HAILE SELASSIE
I, the Lion of Judah. The flag should be held high at all times and should not be torn or abused. It must be present at all gatherings and homes and be borne whenever representing I&I Ivine Majesty Emperor HAILE SELASSIE I.
The Tabernacle consists of twelve outer posts which represent 1) the twelve patriarchs 2) the twelve gates of New Jerusalem 3) the twelve Tribes of Israel 4) the twelve Apostles. The centre post, the largest of all, represents I n I Ivine Majesty Emperor HAILE SELASSIE I who is the head of the
Nyahbinghi Order. Roof of the Tabernacle should take the shape of an umbrella. Portraits of H.I.M. decorate the Tabernacle. No weapons, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes or outrageous behaviour are allowed inside. It must be viewed by all as being assembled around the Throne of JAH RAS TAFARI HAILE SELASSIE I.
The altar which stands in the centre of the Tabernacle consists of six outer posts surrounding the centre post of the Tabernacle representing the book of the Seven Seals / Seven Golden Candlesticks. The priests administrate around this altar which is laid with an altar covering of Red, Gold and
Green. Herbs, Prophecy, Portraits of H.I.M. and fruits are placed upon the altar. The Nyahbinghi daughters are not permitted to administrate around this altar. The inner section of the altar should not be used for a sleeping room and can be used for a library or, storing things pertaining to the
The Nyahbinghi Man must abide by the laws of His Imperial Majesty. He should abide with one Queen as a perfect example set by His Imperial Majesty HAILE SELASSIE I. The use of flesh, drugs, alcohol and all harmful articles of food must be forbidden by all. The Nyahbinghi Man is nonviolent,
non-abusive and non-partisan. He must be free from all criminal activities as a true son of JAH RAS TAFARI. Whoredom, adultery, fornication and all sinful acts are an abomination to the Most High. It is the duty -of every Nyahbinghi to see to it that love and harmony be maintained on every gathering. Intimate relations with whites is strictly' forbidden. A Nyahbinghi Man should not abide with a woman who is not of Rastafari livity. It is the duty of every Nyahbinghi Man to properly maintain his children and raise them in the order of righteousness. It is wrong for a Nyahbinghi Man to trim and comb his children, this is an abomination.
The Nyahbinghi daughters, like the sons must abide by JAH Ivine laws. As H.I.M. is the Head of the Nyahbinghi Order the Nyahbinghi Queen must recognize her King as her Head. During her monthly issue (a period of seven days) the Nyahbinghi Queen does not attend Issemble or congregate
among the brethren. She must be loyal to her King Head in all things concerning righteousness. She must abide within her home and not be a "busybody". If there is a misunderstanding between her and her King Man, the matter should be brought before the Priest or Council of Elders who will deal with the matter privately and constructively. A Nyahbinghi Queen is not permitted to play the drums at an Issemble but is permitted to use the Shaka or Timbrel. She is not permitted to administrate around the altar or to prophecy before the congregation. During reasoning she can make suggestions and participate in governmental administration as in the taking of minutes, writing of letters or any other works she is capable of doing, as seen by the brethren. She must be attired in modest apparel at all times and must not wear pants or explosive garments. Her head must be covered during an Issemble or when congregating with brethren or outside her gates. During Issemble the daughters are responsible for the teaching of the children with special emphasis on H.I.M. HAILE SELASSIE I, the Amharic language, Black History and other aspects of Rastafari Ivine livity.
When the Nyahbinghi Queen brings forth a Prince, she should stay away from Issemble for a period of 3 months. When she brings forth a Princess, she should stay away for a period of 4 months. Eating of abominable flesh must be strictly forbidden by all. The wearing of jewellery is not forbidden but
the piercing of the flesh (e.g. ears, nose, etc.) is against the will of JAH. The plaiting of locks is forbidden as it is written in the book of I Peter 3:3, whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of(e.g. braids, weaves, etc.) the hair.
A Priest of the Nyahbinghi Order is ordained by JAH RAS TAFARI. This is thus revealed by the individual's works and Ivine livity over a number of years. He must be a man of -Ivine livity with the prophecy as a guideline. The Priests administrate around the altar of the Tabernacle and leads the
congregation in prayer as well as-the sanctification of the new born sons and daughters of the lyahbinghi Order. The Nyahbinghi Priest can have his Queen as did Aaron, Zadok, etc., but must be one of Ivine qualities, abiding by JAR laws. The Nyahbinghi Priest must be one of justice who carries
out his works without partiality. He must maintain an 'Ital, Livity' making sure he does not defile the temple of the living JAR with abominable flesh. The signature of the Nyahbinghi Priest must be affixed to all official documents of the Order of the Nyahbinghi.
The Sanctification of Children
When a child is brought to the Issemble for Sanctification, the Priest or Elders of the House are notified and the hour chosen for such Sanctification.
The mother and father of the child will stand together with the child, while the priest reads from the holy Scipture, passages pertaining to the occasion. Namely: 1st Book of Samuel Chapter 1- Birth of Samuel Judges Chapter 15- Birth of Samson Psalms 127
As the parents of these children of the Bible vowed that they be dreadlocks from the womb, so do the parents of the child to be sanctified. After the reading of the Scriptures, the parents then give the child and his/her name to the Priest while the Elders of the House gather around the Holy Alter of the Tabernacle. At this time Nyahbinghi solemns chants.
1 "The Mothers of Salem"
2 "Little Children"
3 " Clap your Tiny Hands"
4 "JAH got the Whole World"
As these solemn chants continue, the priest makes known the name of the child to the congregation and he/she is passed from one elder to another who momentarily recites prayers unto the Most High JAH Rastafari Emperor Haile Selassie I, for the guidance and blessing of the child.
After all the elders prepared for the occasion, accomplish the prayers and benediction, then "Jah mothers and fathers" would identify themselves at the request of the priest.
When there is more than one child to be sanctified, the sons are done followed by the daughters. Here then another child is offered up unto the Most High and all the congregation ask for his/her guidance and blessing henceforth and for Ivermore.
After a period of three months the Nyahbinghi son is able to attend his first issemble to be offered up to the Most High JAH Rastafari. The Nyahbinghi daughter is brought in during or after the first four months of infancy.
Both mother and the child should attend the issemble, as at this time, parents vow to grow their children in the Order of JAH Rastafari.
The Nyahbinghi Priests as well as the congregation offer prayers and chants for the eternal guidance of the children and at this time. "Jah mother and father" are chosen to help along with the upbringing of the children.
If, after the sanctification of such children, parents should cut their locks then they would have broken the Oath of Sanctification and shall answer to the Most High.
Rastafari sons and daughters must not grow their children as non-Rastafarians as they will be held guilty of such wrong doing. If after 18 years or when the child leaves the family home, he/she departs from its covenant, then the judgment will not rest with the parents but upon his or her own shoulders.
The Fire Key is lighted with the reciting of seven Psalms: 1) Psalm 68; 2) Psalm 2; 3) Psalm 83; 4) Psalm 94; 5) Psalm 20; 6) Psalm 11; 7) Psalm 9. It is the duty of every brethren to prepare wood for this fire, which is consuming fire for all evildoers irrespective of race, colour or creed. No garbage,
waste or refuse should be thrown in the Nyahbinghi fire. The fire should bum unceasingly during the days of the Nyahbinghi grounding. The Fire must not be disturbed; no food should be cooked or roasted on this Fire at no time. Both sons and daughters can gather around this fire for warmth or to
pour out the judgment on mystery Babylon.
The Nyahbinghi drums are played only by capable Rastafari brethren during the hour of chanting. A 'bald head' or non-Rastafarian is not permitted to play the drums. Rings must be removed from the fingers of any such player of drums, namely the Fundeh and Repeater so as to protect the skins of
the drums. Players of instruments must be in one accord at all times ensuring perfect harmony. The three types of drums are: 1) Bass 2) Fundeh 3) Repeater. The Bass carries the two beat or heart beat 1, 2 in accord with the Fundeh that says 'Do Good' or 1, 2. The Repeater repeats the beats in
accordance with the Bass and Fundeh.
The Nyahbinghi ground consists of a Tabernacle, Lion quarters, lioness quarters, a store room, where food is provided for all at no cost, and sanitary
conveniences for both male and female. No flesh should be cooked or consumed on a Nyahbinghi ground. The use of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and sexual intercourse is strictly forbidden; self discipline must be maintained. Strangers are not permitted the use of cameras and/or recording equipment unless authorized by the House. All man must uncover their heads at a Nyahbinghi. All heads of females must be covered, and the wearing of pants and exposive garments are forbidden. Everyone must be properly attired. If a person is afflicted with any form of contagious disease or open wounds, he or she is not permitted to be among the congregation. Workshop for art and crafts, and school for the youths are vital structures
of the Nyahbinghi Centre.
The Nyahbinghi Order in Jamaica celebrates for 7 days and nights the following events:
1. 7 January Ethiopian Nativity of Christ
2. 2l April Visit of H.I.M. to Jamaica 1966
3. 25 May All African Liberation Day
4. 23 July Birth of HAILE SELASSIE I 1892
5. 11 September Ethiopian New Year
6. 2 November H.LM. Coronation 1930
These days are revered as hola days and are free from commercial activities. Other celebrations honoured by the House will take the form of public programme in Parks or Community Centres. These include February - Black History Month, May 5th - Ethiopian Liberation Day, August 17th - Birth of Marcus Garvey. The Nyahbinghi Order also participates in lectures on Rastafari in Colleges, Schools, Universities, Television and Radio programmes in its aim of spreading the message to the four corners of the earth. Participants in these Educational programmes are chosen by the House to ensure that the right information is disseminated.
The Nyahbinghi House (Jamaica) meets every 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month for general reasoning. At these meetings various topics are discussed and decisions taken. The meetings are opened with Hola Chants, Prayers followed by an opening remark by an Ilect of the Priesthood. This is followed by an update by the Ilect of Records on past reasonings after which matters arising from old and new issues are discussed. Representativeof the Priesthood, Ilects of Records and Treasury must be present at these reasonings, and if there is a need for intensive planning and work to be done, then these meetings are held every Sunday. Contributions towards the House Treasury are received at these meetings and the House reserves the right to dismiss or disallow any individual from attending these meetings. Discipline, tolerance and Iverstanding must prevail at all times to ensure perfect harmony. Everyone has the right to make suggestions and have their opinions heard at these reasonings which are open to all sons and daughters of Rastafari but one voice must be heard at all times. As words without works is in vain, the fruit of all reasoning must be progressive works
Friday, August 20, 2010

I remember years back when they closed the Fat Beats Amsterdam store it was a big mis for hip hop in the Netherlands.
(August 18, 2010 - Brooklyn, NY) After 16 years, Fat Beats has announced the closing of the legendary label's two remaining retail locations in New York and Los Angeles. Fat Beats will celebrate the legacies of the stores, which are scheduled to close in early September (New York: September 4th, Los Angeles: September 18th) by throwing a series of blow-out sales and tribute parties open to the public during their last weeks. Fans can check www.FatBeats.com for updates.
Fat Beats’ longest running and most famed location is at 406 Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan. Since the 1994 opening of Fat Beats' flagship retail location, hip-hop fans have traveled far and wide to visit the iconic store. With locations soon following in Los Angeles (7600 Melrose Ave.), Atlanta, Amsterdam, and Tokyo, the record stores were a place to experience hip-hop culture and its legacy, which became a global phenomenon. “The closing of Fat Beats is just like one of my friends passing away. They promoted vinyl at its highest degree for the culture of good music and that makes it more difficult to say goodbye," says DJ Premier.
The announcement of the closings is a reflection of the woes that have been plaguing the industry for years. Global chain HMV closed their last US location in 2004. Tower Records shuttered in 2006. Last year saw the close of the last Virgin Megastore, and the story is no different in 2010. For Fat Beats, maintaining two stores well into 2010 is a testament to the stores' importance to the music and to fans and consumers continuing to support independent hip-hop.
While news of the stores' closing marks the end of an era, the future is not doom and gloom. Digital sales continue to increase industry-wide; for Fat Beats, currently operating a profitable and growing online retail store, this has provided a boon to business as fans continue to order mp3s, vinyl, and CDs from FatBeats.com. Although digital sales continue to grow, executives at Fat Beats understand the importance of independent retail stores and are planning to re-open a brick and mortar hip-hop lifestyle location sometime in the near future.
The future looks just as bright for Fat Beats Distribution and the label. Fat Beats Distribution, which has been renamed FB Distribution, continues to strike noteworthy distribution deals with independent and major labels worldwide and is now working with different genres of alternative music. Fat Beats Records will continue to release notable albums from their own impressive roster of artists including ILL BILL, TruMaster/KRS-One, Black Milk, Trinity, Sha Stimuli, Q-Unique, and more. Fat Beats owner and President Joe Abajian says, “This is the start of a new era for Fat Beats. We’re adapting to meet the needs of our demographic by revamping and improving our existing systems. While our website, which stocks everything available in our retail stores, continues to do very well, we’re still exploring our options for alternate retail locations in the future. We’re proud of our legacy and will continue to re-invent ourselves. For now, we’ll see you online at FatBeats.com”
Friday, August 6, 2010
"Herb Bearing Seed: It shall be for you as food." CONGRESS DECLARES THE BIBLE THE WORD OF GOD!
Hemp/Marijuana is a Sacrament:
First cause is God
God created everything
Everything is God's Creation
Everything is Holy!
The Bible says God created "Herb Bearing Seed: It shall be for you as food."
Hemp/Marijuana is an "Herb Bearing Seed."
Hemp allows the blind to see (Glaucoma).
Hemp allows the lame to walk (Multiple Sclerosis).
Hemp seeds feed the birds.
Hemp prolongs Life.
(Eating hemp seed with its essential fatty acid composition fortifies the immune
systems of the body.)
Hemp brings Peace to those who are allowed to use it in Peace.
Hemp calms anger and motivates the Spirit.
Hemp is a Blessed Herb.
Hemp has been used since the dawn of time by many cultures and religions. The
people of the Earth need the Blessing of the "Good Herb" now for the "Healing of
Be It Resolved: Any inhalation or digestion of NATURE’S ABSOLUTE MOST HIGH'S SACRAMENT OF
Moreover, Government through their ignorance and hypocrisy, have thrown us out of the Legal Temples of Commerce. They want to make GEB’S PEOPLE into criminals. But the Growing, Selling, Distribution of OUR SACRAMENT is not unlawful. This Distribution is necessary (how else can we do it?) and MUST also be protected by the Freedom of Religion included in the Bill of Rights. IT IS GEB’S, not government, who gives us the Good Herb. LOVE GEB... CELEBRATE THE SACRAMENT!
"Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesars' and unto God the things which are Gods'." ~Luke 20:25
"Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil." ~Romans 14:16
Moreover, CANAAN, the land Moses was leading the Hebrew people to after they fled slavery in Egypt, got its name from the same root word as "CANNABIS," indicating that hemp was cultivated and used there.The Three Wise Men who came to witness the birth of Christ were believed to be Zoroastrians, who regarded marijuana/hemp as a special gift of God, as the chief religious sacrament of its priest class, and its most important medicine. Coptic Christians are the oldest and most widespread group of Christians in
North Africa and the Middle East. Their Church of Alexandria dates back to shortly after the ascension of Christ. And, they still use cannabis as a Sacrament.
The Rastafarians (primarily of Jamaica) use "ganja" as a sacrament to communicate with God (Jah.)
In the Hindu religion, primarily of India, the belief is that their god Shiva brought cannabis from the Himalaya Mountains for human enjoyment and enlightenment. In Buddhism (Tibet, India, China), many Buddhist writings, traditions and beliefs indicate that Buddha used and ate nothing but hemp and its seeds for the six years prior to announcing his Enlightenment.
Note: The first "Christian" followers of Jesus Christ had to go into the "catacombs" (caves) in secret and hiding to celebrate their faith. So must we celebrate God's Sacrament of cannabis in secret. Join(t) us in Sacramental Religious Celebration.
Create a ritual. Do a reading. Say a prayer. Be Holy. Amen.
Since Bibles are often family heirlooms and are passed on from generation to generation, they must be printed on long lasting paper. Therefore Bibles are often printed on long-lasting hemp paper.
Definitions from the Dictionary:
Sacrament: "A visible sign of an inward grace. Something regarded as possessing a sacred character or mysterious significance."
Worship: "A reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage or to any object regarded as sacred."
Holy: "Specifically recognized as declared sacred by religious use or authority, consecrated."
Blessed: "Consecrated, sacred, holy, sanctified, worthy of adoration, reverence or worship."
"And the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after its own kind, and God said that it was good." ~Genesis 1:12
God said "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of the earth. I have given you every green herb for food: and it was so." And God saw everything that he had made, and beheld it was good."
~Genesis 1:29-31
"...In later times some will speak hypocritical lies, commanding people to abstain from things which God created to be received with thanksgiving, by those who believe and know the truth. For everything God has created is consecrated by the word of God with prayer. If you point these things out to the people, you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ... have
nothing to do with godless myths."
~Timothy 4:1-7
"God causes the grass to grow for the cattle and herb for the service of man and wine to make glad the heart and oil to make his face shine."
~Psalm 104: 14-15
"One believeth that he may eat all things. Another... eateth herbs... let us not, therefore judge one another any more: but judge this, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way. I know and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean, of itself: But to him that esteemeth anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean. For the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink: but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."
~Romans 14:2-17
Paul advised: "Do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink."
~Col 2:16
"The angel of the Lord appeared unto Moses in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush and behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed... and God called to him out of the bush and said, "Moses, Moses," and he said, "here I am."
~Exodus 3:20-24
The Lord said unto me, "I will take my rest in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs and be like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest. Before the harvest, when the bud is perfect and the sour grape is ripening in the flower, he shall cut off the sprigs with the pruning hook and take
away and cut down the branches."
~Isaiah 18:4-5
"Not that which goeth into the mouth defiles a man, but that which comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man."
~Matthew 15:11
"There shall be showers of blessing... And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land. Then shall they know that I the Lord their God am with them."
~Ezekiel 34:26-30
"And the leaf thereof for medicine.:
~Exodus 47:12
"And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. And on either side of the river, there was the TREE OF LIFE, which bore twelve manner of fruits, and yielding her fruit every month; AND THE LEAVES OF THE TREE WERE FOR THE HEALING OF THE NATIONS."
~Revelations 21:1-2
NOTE: Marijuana/Hemp was used 12 ways during biblical times:
Clothing Sealant
Paper Incense
Cord Food
Sails Ceremony
Fishnet Relaxation
Oil Medicine
"If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked."
Proverbs 29:12
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge I will also reject you."
Hosea 4:6
"The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; hath sent me to bring up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and opening of the prison to them that are bound."
Isaiah 61:1
"A wise wo/man will hear, and will increase learning: and a wo/man of understanding shall attain wise counsels."
Proverbs 1:5
In 1980, linguists at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel confirmed that "cannabis" is mentioned in the Bible by the name "KANNOBOSM" in a list of measured ingredients for God's Holy Annointing Oil.
In Exodus 30:23, God instructed Moses to make a mixture royal: with measured ingredients of myrrh, cassia, olive oil, and kannobosm to be smeared on sacramental objects and on the bodies and heads of the priests and congregation. God instructs: "THIS ANNOINTING OIL IS TO BE USED IN MY SERVICE FOR ALL TIME TO COME."
(In the original Hebrew the word "kannah" appears but was mistranslated in the King James Bible as "calamus" and in some Bibles as "cane.")
The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution guarantees the American People their Freedom of Religion. It has two major provisions:
1. There shall be no establishment of religion.
2. Government shall not prohibit the freedom to practice religion.Unfortunately, each time a religious freedom case concerning marijuana has come before the U.S. Supreme Court, the use of marijuana has wrongly been declared illegal.
The 1993 "Religious Freedom Restoration Act" passed by Congress essentially returns to the Native American Church the right to use Peyote in religious ceremonies. In the 1993 Hialeah, Florida decision the Supreme Court ruled that it was legal and constitutional for a religious group to sacrifice chickens and other animals in a home in a residential neighborhood. The court said that "government must be very circumspect about imposing its views on religion."
Now if you can religiously kill chickens in your living room, and Native Americans can use Peyote, and Episcopalians, Jews and Roman Catholics can drink wine in their churches/temples then it is absolutely acceptable for hemp to be used as a Religious Sacrament.
Article 18 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that:
"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and
PUBLIC LAW 97-280 OCT. 4, 1982
Public Law 97-280
96 STAT. 1211
97th Congress
Joint Resolution
Authorizing and requesting the President to proclaim 1983 as The "Year of the Bible"
Whereas the Bible, the Word of God, has made a unique contribution in shaping the United States as a distinctive and blessed nation and people;
Whereas deeply held religious convictions springing from the Holy Scriptures led to the early settlement of our Nation;
Whereas Biblical teachings inspired concepts of civil government that are contained in our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States;
Whereas many of our great national leaders-among them Presidents Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, and Wilson-paid tribute to the surpassing influence of the Bible in our country's development, as in the words of President Jackson that the Bible is "the rock on which our Republic rests";
Whereas the history of our Nation clearly illustrates the value of voluntarily applying the teachings of the Scriptures in the lives of individuals, families, and societies;
Whereas this Nation now faces great challenges that will test this Nation as it has never been tested before; and
Whereas that renewing our knowledge of and faith in God through Holy Scripture can strengthen us as a nation and a people: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President is authorized and requested to designate 1983 as a national "Year of the Bible" in recognition of both the formative influence the Bible has been for our Nation, and our national need to study and apply the teachings of the Holy Scriptures.
Approved October 4, 1982
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Sun Ra – Jazz In Silhouette
A fascinating recording of Sun Ra and his Arkestra in an early incarnation, 1958′s JAZZ IN SILHOUETTE features Ra’s complex, adventurous compositions in traditional bop and swing contexts. The opening “Enlightenment” has edgy piano accompaniment from Ra, and a Cuban rhythm outro, but its breezy melody is reminiscent of Duke Ellington circa his Okeh period. “Blues at Midnight” is an up-tempo bop number with outstanding solos from all members of the Arkestra. Complex themes (“Saturn”) and fractured blues (“Horoscope”) show qualities integral to the style Ra would develop in the following years. In particular, the drawn-out ensemble explorations of “Ancient Aiethopia”–which are infused with tribal percussion, flute, and chant-like themes–serve as a blueprint for the artist’s signature sound. This album is an excellent, accessible introduction to the music of Sun Ra, ideal for those who may be intimidated by Ra’s more challenging later work.
01. Enlightenment
02. Saturn
03. Velvet
04. Ancient Aiethopia
05. Hours After
06. Horoscope
07. Images
08. Blues At Midnight
Ornette Coleman – Love Call
One of the two quartet sessions that Ornette cut for Blue Note in the late 60s – and tight mature work like the New York Is Now sides, recorded in the company of Dewey Redman and the Coltrane rhythm section of Jimmy Garrison and Elvin Jones, which offers a contrasting perspective to most of the preceding Coleman groups. Ornette plays alto and trumpet, as he was doing around that time, and Redman’s playing is amongst his finest on record. Four tunes: the title track, “Airborne”, “Check Out Time”, and “Open To The Public”.
01. Airborne
02. Check Out Time
03. Check Out Time (Alternate Version)
04. Open To The Public
05. Love Call
06. Love Call (Alternate Version)
07. Just For You
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sun Ra, providing extended accounts of his teachings and cosmology
These conversations are among the most important relics of Sun Ra, providing extended accounts of his teachings and cosmology.
Interviews & Conversations
Henry Dumas - The Ark and the Ankh, 1966
Francis Davis at the Sun Ra house, Philadelphia 1990
This interview, lasting over 2 hours, provided me with the deepest insight yet. Ra breaks down language in explaining his philosophy, gives accounts of alien experience, and denies his existence as Man. This artifact has been made available by the Slought foundation. I have chosen to link to their site rather than the M4A files, as the non-profit organization provides the opportunity to donate.
Sun Ra Speaking at 1971 Rehearsal
Sun Ra talks to his band about electronic music and music technology, but explicitly relates the musical condition to the racial condition. He talks about microtones, but how they only teach "white students in the Midwest" and then charge over $20 for an LP. Also makes a reference to how scientists had house-shaking bass before they went to the moon...perhaps a reference to how Sun Ra powers his interplanetary vessel?
BBC Documentary - Songs from Saturn
A 4-part audio documentary by the BBC's Radio 3 on Sun Ra. An exceptional job, with clips from Sun Ra himself, musicians who learned under and were inspired by Sun Ra, music critics and jazz biographers.
Dark Matter Harps

Afro Harping
Dorothy Ashby
Soul Vibrations
Action Life
Lonely Girl
Life Has Its Trials
Little Sunflower
Theme From Valley Of The Dolls
Come Live With Me
The Look Of Love
Spaced Out

Space Is The Place
Sun Ra
1. Space Is The Place
2. Images
3. Discipline
4. Sea Of Sounds
5. Rocket Number Nine
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Scott Down and DJ Cutler: Ultimate Breaks And Beatles
This right here is a journey, no joke. The genre tag on the mp3s says ‘adventure’, and that’s actually a pretty apt description. Over the course of 25 tracks Scott Down and DJ Cutler mash together a slew of Beatles originals, Beatles covers (mainly of the soul and funk variety), rap songs sampling these covers, a handful of classic breaks, and some occasional Beatlemania jetsam just for the hell of it. They do this so well that in its relatively short running time the mix manages to give the listener a whole new appreciation for the legacy left by the four limey muppets. I won’t attempt to go into further detail as the mix contains some very complex and often mind blowing song manipulation. I’ll just give you a few sequential tracks (start at Track 10) as a brief taste of what’s in store.
DOWNLOAD: Scott Down and DJ Cutler: Ultimate Breaks And Beatles
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sun Ra Brother From Another Planet
Acclaimed Documentary on this Visionary Musician |
A wonderful BBC documentary, 58 minutes long, on the amazing, indescribable jazz artist Sun Ra. Without Sun Ra--would Parliament-Funkadelic ever have existed? Would psychedelic lightshows have been invented? Would there be Afro-Futurism? Check it out!
And: watch this live Sun Ra performance on "Saturday Night Live," 1978. A weirder and more visionary musical act probably has never appeared, before or since, on the show.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Soul Brother #1 Tribute mix plus interview
This mixtape came out of neccessity – I was wanting to hear an all Pete Rock mix but couldn’t get one so I had to do one myself. This is a 90 minute blast through some of my favourite Soul Brother #1 productions and remixes. I was tempted to throw in a lot of breaks but decided against it although a couple still made their way in.
Is there any classic PR that you think I’ve left off? Let me know in the comments…
UPDATE: You can download the entire interview from the Noisemakers event here (originally seen on Pipomixes):
Download Noisemakers with Pete Rock interview
To celebrate the official album release of Freedom II, Cymarshall Law and Skit Slam (better known as Everliven Sound) unveil the music video for the album's lead single "Get Up, Stand Up (Survivalist)." The album is now available on Amazon and iTunes.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Freedom-
- Get Up Stand Up (Survivalist)
- Christening
- Elements (feat. El Da Sensei)
- Waiting Too Long
- Hook Them
- Walk Away
- Crack & The Electric Chair (feat. Hakim Green)
- All Right All Real
- Days of Faster
- Come Correct
- Holes in they Shoes (feat. C Rayz Walz)
- Ms. Liquor Spliff
- Sun, Moon & Stars (feat. Stahhr)
- Follow My Lead
- Can You Relate (feat. John Robinson)
- Don't Believe
- Dumbflows
- Know No
About the Album
Freedom II is the new album by group Everliven Sound consisting of Jamaican-rooted, UK-raised brothers Cymarshall Law (New Jersey) and Skit Slam (UK), coming to us at the exact time its needed to bring balance to the force known as Hip-Hop. Freedom II carries a vibe similar to their last album, Freedom (Freedom Entertainment, 2008), which was released to outstanding reviews across the globe. Both projects are overflowing with the same essential and rare musical quality – substance.
Songs “Get Up, Stand Up (Survivalist)” (mentioned above), “Days of Faster”, “Elements” (feat. El Da Sensei) and “Know No” stand out amongst Freedom II’s 18 consistent tracks marked by good ole’ raw, original boom-bap hip-hop. The lyrical talent, immaculate wordplay and clever topics from the MC’s ensure they continue to compete with the best in their field. Entirely produced by The Beatnikz, described as Sweden’s finest, this beat team stays true to their own original production style – a sound that is fresh and forward, but still very accessible.
Artist Highlights
- Everliven Sound’s premier album Freedom (Freedom Entertainment, 2008) was embraced domestically and overseas, and featured the talent of Pace won, Wordsworth, Mary-Lou and Ty-chee.
- Cymarshall Law and Skit Slam have independently released and appeared on several successful projects and have toured internationally dozens of times in the last decade. Single “Ghosts of Hip Hop” from Cymarshall Law’s most recent project, Creator’s Kid EP, received an indie spotlight feature and a placement of #4 on iTunes Top Indie Tracks Chart.
- The Beatniks are one of the most well known production teams out of Norrkoping, Sweden, consisting of Lil Jay and Frank Blank.
More Information
Skit Slam - http://www.myspace.com/
Album Singles
"Crack & The Electric Chair" (feat Hakim Green) Download: http://www.divshare.com/
"Get Up, Stand Up (Survivalist)" Download: http://usershare.net/
Buy Links


a run through a bunch of funk, soul, jazz and whatever breaks. Not like it really matters anymore but these are all original pressing vinyl records blah blah blah: no compilation, no bootleg, no mp3…
On-Point Roy Ayers Tribute + Interview
Roy Ayers is coming to town! Next week that is. With that, it seemed like the time was right to dig up this three year old recording of a talk I had with the man when he was in Ghent.
“It’s Digital! Euhm, I mean, it’s Analog! It’s analog!”
Dj SNS – also known as one of The Bad Mothas who’s live on stage with JtotheC these days – put the mix together, for you and yours. A 30-minute walk through Roy’s discography, and through the man’s mind. Talking about his moves in the music business, the rise and shine of Silvia Striplin, his own label Uno Melodic, his view on sneaker culture, his wife, etc. etc. Right click to download, and enjoy:
An On-Point Roy Ayers Tribute + Interview
(also download and print the cd-cover)
Roy Ayers – Fire Weaver
Roy Ayers – Rhythms Of Your Mind
Roy Ayers – The Boogie Back
Roy Ayers – Feel Like Making Love
Roy Ayers – Searching
RAMP – Come Into Knowledge
Silvia Striplin – You Can’t Turn Me Away
Silvia Striplin – Give Me Your Love
Roy Ayers – Love Will Bring Us Back Together
Roy Ayers – Brother Green (The Disco King)
Roy Ayers & Wayne Henderson – Ooh Baby
RAMP – Everybody Loves The Sunshine
Ethel Beatty – I Know You Care
Ladies Of The Eighties – Ladies Of The Eighties
Roy Ayers – Hey Uh – What You Say Come on
Roy Ayers – We Live In Brooklyn Baby
Roy Ayers – Sensitize
Roy Ayers – The Third Eye
Justo Almario – InterludeMix: dj SNS
Artwork: Jazz Neversleeps
Interview: Alex Deforce
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Kil Ripkin - Not You
For Tours and Collab Info-hit me up at kilripkin01@gmail.com
Kil Ripkin Bio
Hip Hop is a culture that was created by and for the people, and when it comes to exhibiting that love and passion for the art, nobody displays it like Kil Ripkin the Genereal, AKA The Ghetto Correspondent. Growing up in the Coney Island section of Brooklyn N.Y., Kil set out on his journey to be the next big thing in Hip Hop. Kil began as a solo artist quietly establishing his name as some one to be wreckon with, earning the respect of his peers alike. Kil began producing his own music working under the tutelage of his big Bro., songwriter, producer and engineer Don Newkirk (Smoking Heads). Kil also sharpend his skills working with long time engineer Filthy Rich (Yosumi Entertainment). Quickly Establishing himself as a up in coming producer going under the name of (Storm) thru out the five boroughs, Kil hooked up with Mighty Real and Rebel X. They formed the rap alliance called the "Supreme Forces" who featured the likes of Space, Telepathic and the Young Veteran Torae. Working on a Rebel X solo project, Kil and Reb decided to form the New York underground group "The F.E.D.S". The two were a deadly combo releasing several underground hits including the single released on Step In Deep Productions, titled "Drama" featuring Rasheeda. Kil has put in work with several other artist and groups like, I.G.T formerly of loud records, Get Doe Entertainment, Stix (Horror City), Kings Kounty Records, The Plague, and several compilation albums most notably "Game Over" released on Yosumi Records. Credits also include co writing and producing songs on 40 Acres, "Get on The Bus" and "Crooklyn" soundtracks, and most of the production on Torae's "Coney Island Finest" mix tape. After years of producing for several artist and the split of the FEDS, Rip turned his focus back to his solo career and started working on the revolutionary banger "Black Power Black Love" The Buz CD, with production from Kil,Don Newkirk and Valentine of I.G.T. The album became the theme music for the revolutionary Uhuru Movement that was taking place in Brooklyn, and Kil's passion grew even more to get his message across. Kil's stage prowess filled many venues throughout the New York area which made his shows the place to be. Off the success of Black Power Black Love, Kil and his Coney Island brethren Torae continued to Groom there work together and with the help of then manager (Squirrel) Attic Entertainment, they linked up with up and coming DJ Vega Bennenton and his partner Wally Suede and together they formed the Hip Hop Super Group The Coalescence. They released the underground hit "Promises" and the group was nominated for two underground music awards including song of the year. The Co. will be back in the lab soon but until then expect a lot of heat from the Genereal starting with the "Balancing Act" produced by Mikal Evans (Deep Rooted) Raticus and Eric G. The Music is soulful, truthful, spiritual and rebellious. Surely after one listen to Kil Ripkin you will realize very quickly what Hip Hop truly sounds like.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Eccentric Soul- The Prix Label

01. Eddie Ray - Wait A Minute
02. OFS Unlimited - Mystic
03. Mitch Mitchell/Gene King - Never Walk Out On You
04. Joe King - Speak On Up
05. Royal Esquires - Ain't Gonna Run
06. Eddie Ray - You Got Me
07. Chip Willis & Double Exposre - I'm Gonna Gitcha
08. Mitch Mitchell - Can't Get A Nuff
09. Soul Ensemble - Melon Jelly
10. Eddie Ray - Glad I Found You
11. Marion Black - Listen Black Brother
12. Royal Esquires - Our Love Used To Be
13. OFS Unlimited - Mister Kidneys
14. Marion Black - Come On And Gettit
15. Joe King - You're My Everything
16. Harmonic Sounds Band - Untitled Studio Moves
17. Eddie Ray - You Got Me (Demo)
18. Penny & the Quarters - You And Me
19. Eddie Ray - You Are Mine
Eccentric Soul 15

The Great Migration (Original Samples)

Tracklist :
01. Brothers Of Soul - Hurry, Don't Linger (Bronze Nazareth - The Pain)
02. Bobby Bland - Deep In My Soul (Bronze Nazareth - More Than Gold)
03. Ollie The Nightingales - I Got A Sure Thing (Bronze Nazareth - Bronzeman)
04. The Shadow Of Your Smile (Bronze Nazareth - One Plan)
05. Curtis Mayfield - I Loved and I Lost (Bronze Nazareth - Instrumental Interlude)
06. David McCallum - The Edge (Bronze Nazareth - The Morning)
07. Bobby Bland - Ask Me About Nothin', But The Blues (Bronze Nazareth - Hear What I Say)
08. Bobby Bland - Dear Bobby, The Note (Bronze Nazareth - Black Royalty)
09. Love Unlimited - I Love You So Never Gonna Let You Go (Bronze Nazareth - Detroit)
10. The Animals - House of the Rising Sun (Bronze Nazareth - S aka Cash Rules)
11. King Floyd - Don't Leave Me Lonely (Bronze Nazareth - Poem Burial Ground)
12. Toussaint McCall - ill Do You It For (Bronze Nazareth - The Great Migration)
13. Earls - I Who Have Nothing (Bronze Nazareth - Bronze Halls Outro)
+ Bonus (Bronze Nazareth & Wisemen)
The Dramatics vs The Dells - Door To Your Heart (Bronze Nazareth - Kevorkian)
The Supremes - Remove This Doubt ( Bronze Nazareth - 4 Strokes Of Bronze Fist)
Al Green - Simply Beautiful (Bronze Nazareth - Calm Sword)
Syl Johnson - I Hate I Walked Away (Bronze Nazareth - Blowgun)
Linda Jones - Let It Be Me (Bronze Nazareth - Waters Of Nazareth)
21st Century - Remember The Rain (Bronze Nazareth - Sinuhe's Impasse)
Love Unlimited - Share A Little Love In Your Heart (Wisemen - Introducing, No Metter How)
Candi Staton - I'm Gonna Hold On To What I Got This Time (Wisemen - Blinded)
Barbara Mason - From His Woman To You (Wisemen - Honor's Promise)
O.V Wright - Into Something (Can't Shake Loose) (Wisemen - Wisemen Approaching)
Margie Joseph - How Will I Know (Wisemen - Nothing To Hide)